Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Food For Life Global In The Washington Times

By Priyavrata das from Dandavats

WASHINGTON TIMES (Feb 18) Adam Heifer — As you can well imagine, the reconstruction and replenishing of Haiti is going to take a long time and a lot of effort. With not much infrastructure in many areas to begin with, Haiti is very dependent on outside help and resources.

Food for Life Global

One group who has stepped up to the task and stands out in the area of food relief is Food for Life Global (FFLG)- the emergency coordination division and Headquarters for Food for Life, the world’s largest vegan food relief organization. Food For Life started in 1974 when an acclaimed elderly Indian guru, Swami Prabhupada, implored to his Yoga students to never let anyone within a 10 mile range of his ashram go hungry.

Food for Life is now active in over 50 countries and serves over 1,500,000 healthy vegan meals a day. Due to their diligence in South Africa, they have gotten acclaim from Nelson Mandela and have been written up in the press all over the world. Though the organization is worldwide, the main headquarters is based here in Potomac, Maryland.

Food for Life is now working in Haiti in conjunction with larger organizations such as the Red Cross, Care, and they have partnered with the Indian military to provide a safe base to distribute vegan meals in Port-au-Prince. Food, supplies and transportation costs are high and Food for Life Global is really asking for help. International director Paul Turner states: “Your donations are still crucial at this stage of the development, and we sincerely thank all who have already come forward to support us- Please continue to give whatever you can and remember: Food For Life can serve more than 100 meals in a crisis like this for as little as $25, So your dollars will go a long way.”

Food for Life Global in action

If you have been looking for a solid organization you can trust in the Haiti relief effort, then know your dollars will be well spent with Food for Life. You can go to the FFL Haiti Relief website to donate or go right to the Haiti donation page.

Food for Life doesn’t limit their scope to just food relief. Other services include: Schooling, nutrition education, animal sanctuaries, orphanages, medical care and organic farming. Know that you are supporting a local organization which reaches the most needy worldwide. For more information or to inquire about volunteering, feel free to contact: contact@ffl.org or visit the volunteer page Please visit their website for more information http://www.ffl.org Adam is a Reiki Master, certified Health and Lifestyle counselor, Licensed Massage Therapist, 20 year practicing bramana initiated Bhakti Yogi, Spiritual advisor, visionary, jock and veteran of the “hardcore punk scene” all rolled into one. Adam is the founder of Omkara World and produced the mind/body
PLEASE SHARE THIS LINK TO THE ABOVE STORY: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/omkara/2010/feb/18/vegan-food-relief-program-food-life-global-coming-/
Paul R. Turner
International Director
Food for Life
(Priya V)
Skype: fflglobal
Skype Ph: 917 675 3108
Office: 1-(888)-816-6977
Fax Number: 208 906 8689
Download our latest flyer and post at your favorite cafe http://www.ffl.org/artwork/FFLG_general_poster2009_out.pdf

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