Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Country Getaway: New Vrindaban Looking For Landscape Assistance

Due to a forceful winter, there is a lot of "getting ready" needed before the opening of New Vrindaban's Pilgrimage Season, which kicks off with Festival of Inspiration (May 7,8,9th).

Our wonderful landscaper, Matreiya das, is an aging trooper who could use the help of a couple younger folks.

Time frame is as soon as possible. Depending on the duration of your commitment, you will receive room, board, basic needs plus free attendance to Festival of Inspiration.

Experience in landscaping is nice but not a requirement. A valid driver's license would be helpful, but not a "must." What is a "must" is that you are willing to follow the regulative principals and go shoulder to shoulder alongside Maitreya. You can count on learning a few things and pleasing Their Lordships, Radha Vrindaban Chandra as well as seeing the results of your seva unfold.

References required. Depending on location, travel assistance may be available.

Contact: servingkrishna@aol.com or 304-845-9591 and ask for Malati dasi or Bhaktin Rita.

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