Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Get Connected With COW, NOW!

From Dandavats

By Rajaram Dasa

No Meat Eating does not mean just Vegetarianism, Ahimsa or nonviolence is not only non-killing, it also means that one’s attitude must be of maitri (amity) and peace. The real meaning of ahimsa is maitri. There are countless jivas, life or life forms, which populate the earth, air, water and are present all around us. How are we to behave towards these? With Friendly relationship!

And what better Animal we can find other than COW, for friendship, for a loving relationship.

Past few months I have come across hundreds of people expressing their solidarity for Cow Protection. One question I always had to answer was, How Can I participate in this movement? How Can I contribute? Not every one can come on to the street and fight for Cow protection. But everyone can have some kind of relationship with cow. It may sound utopian that all devotees on this planet move to rural setting to have a wonderful relationship with Land, Krishna and Cows. But there are other practical ways to have a very loving relationship with Cows.

Religious and cultural sentiments associated with cow are too well known to bear repetition. But its economic and ecological aspects elude the common man and hence this is the most important step – In today’s trend of Economics and Environment make cow protection as some thing hip, promote cow protection will be the most reliable solution for economically sustainable and rural development.

First and foremost we need make a small lifestyle change, we need to have a day to day connection with cow, drink only Cow’s Milk, Eat only Paneer subji made of cow’s milk, use only pure cow ghee, (even if its expensive make sure you buy from reliable Goushala’s) make Gou-Ark as apart of your health care system for your body immunity building. There are several other products available at Bhaktivedanta Goushala, Vridnavan and many farm communities such as ISKCON Gokul Dham in Belgam North Karnataka, Sahayadri Sri Krishna Balaram Keshtra, ISKCON Hebri, South India.

If not anything, at least being with simple doop stick made from Panchagavya in your daily worship. Nice smelling Doop sticks purchased from Bangalore maybe very pleasing to our nose, but trust me Doop stick made of cow products will surely be very pleasing to Krishna. He will appreciate your sincerity and love towards his cows.

We have to understand the way economy works – Demand & Supply, let me share a nice incident, few months back I asked my milk man to stop supplying me buffalo milk as I have decided to take only cows milk. He had no cows, at the same time he did not want to loose his business, he said he will buy a cow and continue supplying milk as per my requirement. Now you too can demand Cow based panchagavya products at your Temple gift shop and ten more devotees starts asking for such products automatically they have to start stocking Panchaghavya products.

I am not sure if any Golden egg giving goose ever existed but COW is aptly suited to that Goose of popular Golden Goose story.

If we can make cow products popular, we can automatically halt killing of cow. All that has to be done is to demonstrate to the farmers and others that a living cow is more useful than a dead cow.

Before smearing Lord Krsihna’s deity with expensive or synthetic perfumes, kindly remember Mother Yashoda used smear baby Krishna with Cow dung and Cow Urine, now that probably explains why he had such a beauty and luster.

So next time you visit Sri Vrindavan Dham and before you hit the streets of Loi Bazar for a shopping spree, please do shop for Panchaghavya products at Bhaktivedanta Goushala or their sales counter opposite Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi.

Let all get connected with Cow Now!! This way we all can put a halt to cow slaughter!

Rajaram Dasa
Executive Member, Andhra Pradesh Goushala Federation.
Social Entrepreneur, Promoter:
Panchagavya Health Products,
Sustainable Cow based Economy for Rural Development.

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