Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

Why Isn't The Brain Green

A fascinating piece from the New York Times on recent studies at Columbia University on how the human mind works in relation to the choices that need to be made to thwart the oncoming tide of climate change.

Here's an excerpt...

Debates over why climate change isn’t higher on Americans’ list of priorities tend to center on the same culprits: the doubt-sowing remarks of climate-change skeptics, the poor communications skills of good scientists, the political system’s inability to address long-term challenges without a thunderous precipitating event, the tendency of science journalism to focus more on what is unknown (will oceans rise by two feet or by five?) than what is known and is durably frightening (the oceans are rising). By the time Weber was midway into her presentation, though, it occurred to me that some of these factors might not matter as much as I had thought. I began to wonder if we are just built to fail.

Click here to read the article.

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